Covid Support

At Charity for Goodness we believe that success and goodness of all is when we do it together

Covid 19 put the world into a halt and over last few months almost everyone has been impacted directly or indirectly. Economies, Industries, small entrepreneurs, individuals around the world are grappling with Covid. There are many that are impacted and desperately need help , we hope there also quite a lot of them who will turn into Goodness angels to help those in need (the gift of gods). Our intent is to bring the gift of gods here and let the goodness angels help them directly.

If you have been impacted by Covid 19 and you seek help Click here to share your details and let the Goodness Angels reach out to you. Share everything that you need, at charity for Goodness we hope there are enough angels in the world that would jump to get you out of your problems.

Together we will overcome the pandemic and emerge as the strongest.

If you are a Gift of God (any People or planetary resource/groups that needs help)
You are the God's child and you deserve all of the happiness of this world. You would not be deprived of the basics. Now with us being in your support, we will make sure that:

  • Your problems and issues get published to get global visibility
  • You get the help in the right time and in the right place
  • Your problem is eradicated and a sustainable way of life is ensured to you
  • You smile and you pave out an opportunity for others to smile as well

If you are a Goodness Angel (Privileged Individual, Society, State, NGO, Country, Community, Corporate, Foundation)
Years and years of hard work have made you capable to build your foundation that enables you to contribute for the greater good of the society. As an aggregator, we play a small part of your kindness by helping you out in:

  • Striking out a balance between where you want to contribute and what needs your help right now
  • Validating the problems issued by the Gifts of God
  • Ensuring that your contribution has been put in the right place at the

"Development is Possible when we do it together."

Corporate Office:

G-110, 2nd Floor
South City-2, Gurugram,
Haryana - 122018

Write to us -

WhatsApp @ 8826944655

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